Thursday, June 4, 2009


G'day mates!
Duggan here from Australia.
Today we got back to Reef H.Q. We went and we analyzed the data we collected yesterday. After we were done we walked to the mall and bought stuff... lots of stuff. All the boys went in one group and allmost all the girls went in one group. Some people bought shoes and some shirts. We, the boys, stopped at a supermarket and it was awesome!
Well that's about all for today.
Duggan signing out!

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The Reef

G'day mates!
Duggan here from Australia.
Yesterday we went snorkiling in the Great Barrier Reef and it was awsome! First we started the day by getting up at 4 A.M! Then we took a boat out to Orphius Island. Once we got on the island we hung around and waited for the second group on the boat to get there. We saw, while we were waiting, baby Black Tip Reef Sharks and Baby Leopard Sharks. We got like 1 Meter away from them! Once they got there we went and had a saftey talk about the reef, island and other first aid and sanitary stuff. Then we tramped off to morning tea and had hot coco and some people had fruit. After our wet suits were all on after tea we headed off to the reef. It was an amazing sight! Seeing all the fish and coral swimming around we had to watch a fish for five minutes and we didn't get any data- well me and my partner didn't. Because we would find a fish and look at it and follow it for about five seconds and then it would swim away. Well that's my story today Duggan signing out!

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A Day at the Aquarium

Hi Duggan here from Australia! Yesterday we got at an aqairium and went and got tours and speeches about the reef. First when we got there. We had a talk about stuff about the reef. e of my head and out the other. After we did an activity about the talk that I thought was kinda and fun at the same time. Then we had morning tea where we had juice fruit and cookies! It was realy good. It was realy basicly like that the whole day. But in between we did some realy fun things like explaning how they balance all their ships, tourists, fishers and all that other suff out. Then at the end of the day we all went to bed but every was talking. And when people would check on us we would all pretend to be asleep. Of course I was really asleep. Zooxanthellae sounds like frozen jelly is tiny algea or sea weed that lives in the coral. Well that's about all from me Duggan signing out!

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hi Duggan here from Australia. Today we went and did some realy cool stuff like. We went to a banna farm! First we had tea with little cakes. After that we hoped on a trailer that they use for transporting bannas. We got to a waterfall and we saw a five inch big spider. We got to go onto really wet slippery rocks in the middle of the creek. Then we got to work at the packaging department for a little. After that we were on the coach for three hours and on the coach we got to watch Finding Nemo! Yay! Then we got to our next stop and we got a tour. After that we practiced scuba diving. Duggan signing out bye!

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Monday, June 1, 2009

A scalt day

Today we went on a flight to Cairns. After we got off the plane we went to a croc farm where we say more than just crocks. We saw wombats, snakes, and a koala! I was called up to stick both of my hands in a paint bucket which had something in it. So I stuck my hands in and felt a scaly thing immediately I knew it was a snake. When I opened my eyes and pulled it out fully, it was a huge python. I carried it around in the audience. The girls were the most scared.
The next animal was my second favorite, the snake was my first. It was a koala! The guy brought it in the audience. I got to pet it and we took some pictures with it! After that we went to dinner. We had steak, lasagna and other regular stuff. Well that’s about all - Duggan signing out!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Long Day

Hello this is Duggan here. Today we had a really long bus ride it was 6 hours! We had little stops on the way but it was realy long. After we got off the bus we went straight to learning about the Aboriginals... the men got to start off right away after the guy was done talking about all the different tools. The men got to start throwing spears! This was another highlight of my trip just like whip cracking. I've wanted to do it since I was a little kid. I was about 2 centemeters away from hitting a stick in the ground which Mr. Shelton did 2 times! After that we went and learned some syimbols for dot painting! I made one about us at Uluru around the campfire that the guy made. Then we all hopped on the bus and went to watch the sunset. And take pictures of Uluru. But we couldn't see the sunset. Then we went to dinner and I had steak and Emu sausage. Then we had to get on stage and do this gum tree song... it wasn't very fun. This is Duggan signing out.

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Bush Camp

Yesterday we yent to a bush camp. It was really awesome! When we got there we had burgers, salad and potatoes. After lunch we went out to make bread. First you get six cups of flour then add watter and stir until it's a dough. Then take it and knead it for about 10 minuets. After that put it in the oven until it's ready. Whip cracking was awsome! This was my favorite part. It was cool because I've always wanted to crack a whip and I actually could do it. From there we went to set up our swags. Then to dinner which we had Beef stew and lots of vegies. Then we went to our swags and around the campfire... and then the day was over.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Can't Wait

Oh my God!  I can't wait for Wednesday to start my activities.  It is going to be awesome!  The plane is supposed to be the world's biggest that we're going on to Australia.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Three Days Left

Hi my name is Duggan I'm in 5th grade I go to New Village Leadership Academy in Los Angeles, CA.  I love being in the wilderness and surviving in the wilderness.  

I'm looking forward to snorkeling in the Barrier Reef.  What are you most exited to hear about?

Can't wait for the trip!!!!!!!!!